Sunday, November 9, 2014

"The novelty is wearing off"

"The novelty is wearing off"
Your patience - wearing thin
Still tenderly you wait
Till I mess up again
Till I mess up again

Time, it sieves so fast
Like sand it blows away
Blink, a year has past
This wind's blowing our way
This wind's blowing our way

Every day has beauty
Colours, light and grey
Potential, love and purpose
Love is here to stay
Love is here to stay

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Impossible Hope

A virgin womb
Unrivalled starts
An empty tomb
To open hearts

Impossible life
Death's power lost
A heavenly price
A hellish cost

Confirm in us the hope
Our blindness roll away
In your righteousness clothe
Like the brightness of day

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

They feed, though now they dormant rest.
They need not shelter nor a nest.
In herds among the grass they graze.
Fuelling the "own a new car" craze.

Attraction - part 2

These feelings are not sexual,
Attraction yes, but a different pull.
Respect and gladness for you both,
Your future man, you, and your spiritual growth.

The joy's of flying (part 2)

Investigate to ease my fear,
A flight that is, but isn't here.
In running mode, both legs and mind.
Loud speaker calls, I'm left behind.

The joy's of flying (part 1)

Cotton land, shadows above,
Those white and fluffy sacks of love.
The dreamy sleeper longs to clutch,
That's not allowed - too soft to touch.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cast off everything that hinders,
Trappings of a selfish life.
Look up from old comfort's splinters,
Shepherd's voice, the two-edged knife.