Sunday, June 27, 2010


A short term loan
With deferred repayments
Daily interest: so low
so docile, so harmless

But add up the days
Weeks, months and the years
The moments of laughter
The lifetime of tears

Compound up the interest
Multiplied at each date
The actual cost of your debt
Will be greater than great

Pretty soon your addiction
Which started so small
Will become all consuming
And swallow you whole

It offered you happiness
Satisfaction indeed
Has ruptured your wallet
Has left you to bleed

But I know a one
A rich man, some say
Who is willing and able
To take it away

To pay the price
So you may run free
I know he can help you
Because he also helped me
Why do you hide beneath your lies?
Damning the truth behind wearied eyes
What are you so afraid to show?
You're caught by the tide; nowhere to go
Cracks in the shell are becoming clear
The truth escapes: a single tear
More clumsy than a needle in the hand of a giant

Saturday, June 19, 2010

There's two voices inside of me
There's two forces it's frightening
Day and night the forces fight
Not sure which side's winning, despite
knowing who's side i'm on.

One voice makes me do wrong things
Despite the warning the other sings
"Remember what happened last time" it rings
"The short lived joy that doesnt satisfy"
My thought's arry, in the battleground of my mind

p.s. i warned you that it was cliche'